Open Days in 2025
Tickets are now available for 15 Open Days this year, starting in February. You can find out more and book tickets at TicketSource.
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Alexander Pope’s Grotto is the last remaining part of his famous villa and gardens, which he built in 1720 on the banks of the Thames at Twickenham. A mine of minerals gathered from all parts of the world, it is listed as Grade 2* and as Heritage at Risk ‘Of outstanding national importance’. It is loaded with significance for British culture and for the birth of the English Landscape Garden Movement, described by Mavis Batey as ‘A seminal event in in the 18th century search to establish man’s relationship to nature’.
Demolished in 1808, the villa was replaced and the property became the subject of much redevelopment over the following 200 years. In 1996 St James’s Independent School for Boys acquired the estate, remaining for 14 years, during which time a Charitable Trust was created to preserve the grotto. The current owner, Radnor House School, acquired the school in 2010 and has committed wholeheartedly to the project of conservation and to the activities surrounding it.
Since the Trust started opening the grotto regularly to the public in 2016 more than 5000 people have explored its passages and minerals, drawing Londoners, students and enthusiasts from all over the world. Our conservation project finished in 2024 and we plan to hold regular public Open Days each year.
You can find out more about the project to preserve and restore the grotto on our Conservation page.
The conservation of Pope’s Grotto has been supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.